[Coral Garvey is a multidiciplinary creative living in London.]

→ Creative Direction
→ Design Direction
→ Branding
→ Copywriting
→ Strategy

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ WORK ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
→ Graphic Design

→ Package Design
→ Retail Design
→ Retouching

Commencing my professional journey at Apple Cupertino within the packaging design department, I gained insights into the meticulous processes essential for building a global brand. My fascination lay in understanding the intricate dynamics between consumers and brands, and Apple, as the pinnacle of consumer experience, epitomized this with its sleek packaging. Amidst a tight-knit team of 12, I honed invaluable design skills, delving into not only packaging but also retail designs, collaborating on classified products. Notably, I had the privilege of contributing to the launch of the Nano and other devices, earning a spot on the homepage during these milestones.